ManyColors | 2022-07-08 | Museum of Contemporary Art, Denver, CO [SBD/AUD Matrix]

If I could dream in technicolor the soundtrack would be ManyColors performing on top of the MCA Denver Rooftop!

Coming off a formative set at the now ten-year-old Beanstalk Music and Mountains Festival, ManyColors brought fans to a more urban vista, atop the Denver Museum of Contemporary Art’s rooftop. Overlooking the heart of downtown Denver’s business district, as the sun dropped over the nearby apartments painting a new Denver sunset, one couldn’t help but feel like ManyColors’ music was made for a space like this. Airy, colorful, vibrant, chic, modern. The music filled the air above a space housing a platform for modern art in a poetic scene worthy of its own artistic interpretation – or at least a picture in Westword.

Musically, ManyColors hit just right, as they always do. They opened with a new tune named “Cherry Blossom”, which was bursting with their lofi-structs, and beaming with nostalgic tones and soulful rhythms. The entire set thereafter was one big segue, taking listeners on a journey through a compact odyssey of the ManyColors catalogue. From “Cherry”, the band transitioned into a short but resonant “E=MC^2” . This blended into the only cover of the evening, a take on Radiohead’s “Packt Like Sardines In A Crushd Tin Box”, a song that bubbles with dynamic intensity and proved one of the more engaging numbers of the evening. This then swept into the cavern-like intro of another original “Soft Trees”, a song that patiently builds itself from its solemnly reverb laden intro into its upbeat segment, bouncing back and forth between the two segments with a bipolar step. The band then proceeded into “Places You’ll Go”, a gossamer-thin and airy song that starts so dreamlike, keyboardist Eric Luba (who handled most of the speaking duties that evening) suggested everyone “close your eyes for a second, go somewhere else.” Like the tune before it, the dynamic quality to their songwriting shines through as “Places You’ll Go” eventually finds itself in a more upbeat-tight groove, driven by whirling synth tones and radiant drumming revving itself up into a big peak and then slipping back into the misty nature of the intro before then segueing into the always satisfying drop of “Grande”, a tune that paradoxically hits the hardest when everything stops, filling the space with an anticipation that punctuates the eventual hit in the most gratifying of ways. The band then closed out the short set with one of their most popular singles, “Rust”, leaving fans with a familiar and spirited rendition of the staple.

It is often times difficult to describe ManyColors in a few words; it comes out akin to trying to describe a colorful dream, one that feels nostalgic, carefree, and modern. The classifications start to blur together almost like the textures in the music, creating a swathe of emotional responses that make their namesake so apropos. When ManyColors mixes all the colors together, they do not make brown; they just get brighter – as if they’re mixing light itself, rather than pigment. While difficult to categorize, one thing remains certain, ManyColors is the soundtrack you want to your hip museum rooftop cocktail soiree. That is just a fact.

ManyColors 2022-07-08 | Museum of Contemporary Art, Denver, CO

-= One Set =-

01. Cherry Blossom >

02. E=MC^2 >

03. Packt Like Sardines in a Crushd Tin Box (Radiohead cover) >

04. Soft Trees >

05. Places You’ll Go >

06. Grande >

07. Rust

Show Notes: This set was performed as a part of the Denver Museum of Contemporary Art’s “B-Side Music Fridays” event. The band was opening for Felix Fast4ward. This was performed on the rooftop of the museum. 

Taper Notes: DFC DIN onstage mics raised around 3′ – Board patch and mix thanks to FOH Engineer Chris Reese.

Thank you to ManyColors and MCA Denver for being cool with taping/sharing shows. Go see live music and support your local arts and museums!


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